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Разговорник английского языка по кинофильмам. Часть 1. Как знакомятся и представляются. Как представляют. Introduction (Анатолий Верчинский)

Как представляют


…this is my daughter, Apollonia…

Отец представляет свою дочь будущему жениху

«The Godfather» (1972) Francis Ford Coppola

– …this is my daughter, Apollonia…

– …and this is Michael279 Corleone.

Aren’t you going to introduce us?

Известной певице представляют известного археолога

«Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom» (1984) Steven Spielberg

– Aren’t you going to introduce us?

– This is Willie280 Scott.

– This is Indiana Jones, famous archeologist281.

– Well, I thought archeologists were always funny282 little men searching for their mommies283.

– Mummies284.

Good to meet you

Девушка представляет родителям свою одноклассницу

«American Beauty» (1999) Sam Mendes

– Janie! Hey, I really enjoyed that.

– Congratulations, honey. You were great.

– I didn’t win anything.

– Hi. I’m Lester285, Janie’s dad.

– Oh, hi.

– This is my friend, Angela286 Hayes.

– Okay. Good to meet you. You were also good tonight, very… precise287.

– Thanks.

– Nice to meet you, Angela. Honey… I am so proud288 of you. You know, I watched you very closely289. You didn’t screw up290 once291. Okay, uh, we have to go.

– So what are you girls doing now?

– Dad.

– We’re going out for pizza292.

– Really? Do you need a ride293? We can give you a ride. I have a car. You want to come with us?

– Thanks, but I have a car.

– You have a car. That’s great. That’s great. Janie’s thinking about getting a car, too, soon, aren’t you?

– Dad, Mom’s waiting for you.

– Well, it was very nice meeting you, Angela. Any friend of Janie’s… is a… friend of mine. Well… I’ll be seeing you around, then.

– Could he be any more… pathetic294?

– I think he’s sweet295. And I think he and your mother have not had sex in a long296 time.

He is joined us for diner

Знакомство членов семьи с гостем, пришедшим на обед

Появление гостя было незапланированным, внезапным, хозяин испытывает некоторые трудности в его представлении, потому что не хочет называть его настоящего имени. (Эпизод относится также к разделам «Как обращаются» и «Как извиняются». )

«Meet Joe Black» (1998) Martin Brest

ALLISON: Some German firm went kerplunkt, Tiffany’s picked these things up, they’re perfect party favors, however they’re not personal, they’re winter scene or something, snow-flakes and dachshunds…

ALLISON: (to the Young Man) Hi there…


PARRISH: Uh – sorry – to have stepped away for so long – uh – this is a friend of mine I asked to drop by – we got to talking and stuff – uh – he’s going to join us for dinner – um —

ALLISON: (to the Young Man) Hello, how nice to meet you. And wouldn’t it be nicer if my father would introduce you?

YOUNG MAN: (to Allison) How nice to meet you.

PARRISH: Oh, I’m sorry. This is my daughter, Allison, and her husband, Quince, Drew, my number one, works with me…

ALLISON: (prompting) Daddy. Does your friend have a name?

PARRISH: A name?

DREW: (pleasantly, going along with the joke) Yeah, something he goes by —

PARRISH: Oh, excuse me. This is – uh – this is —

ALLISON: Daddy! Come on297, a name.

DREW: Yeah, Bill298, the suspense299 is killing me.

PARRISH: Sorry… um – you – you know it’s gone right out of300 my head —

DREW: What?!

PARRISH (cont’d) I’m sorry. This is – uh – uh…

PARRISH (cont’d) Joe301!


DREW: Just plain302 «Joe’»?

ALLISON: Love that name.

QUINCE: Me, too. Hey, buddy303!

DREW: «Joe…»


DREW: Is there any more to it?

PARRISH: (alarmed) What do you mean?

DREW: Like «Smith’ or «Jones – »


ALLISON: Whew304, at last305. Nice to meet you, Mr. Black.

QUINCE: Joe Black’. Won fifteen and lost two for the Brooklyn Dodgers306 in 1952.

JOE: Yes?

QUINCE: (to Joe) You bet307. I’m king of my Rotisserie308 League309.

JOE: Are you?

PARRISH: He is! Let’s sit down.

Hi, you must be Bobby’s girlfriend

Представление молодым человеком новой соседки по комнате своей подруге.

Эпизод относиться также к разделу «Как прощаются».

«Bad Roomies» (2015) Jason Schnell

– Hi, you must be Bobby’s310 girlfriend.

– Jennifer311.

– Jennifer.

– Yep, this is my girlfriend Jen, this is Chloe312.

– Nice to meet you.

– Hi, nice to meet you, too.

– Nice meeting you.

– You too, bye.

– Have a good time.

I just wanted you two to have a proper introduction

Мать представляет дочери нового жильца

«Edward Scissorhands» (1990) Tim Burton

– Hi, Bill! I just wanted you two to have a proper313 introduction314. Edward315, this is our daughter Kim. Kim, this is Edward, who’s gonna live with us.


– Hi.

– H- h-h… H-h-h…


I want yа to meet some people

Представление оборотню его жертв

«An American Werewolf in London» (1981) John Landis

– I’m actually316 glad to see ya, Jack.

– I want yа to meet some people. David Kessler, this is Gerald Bringsley. Gerald’s the man you murdered on the subway.

– This is Harry317 Berman and his fiancé318, Judith Browns.

– Hello.

– Hello.

– And these gentlemen are Alf, Ted and Joseph.

– Can’t say we’re pleased319 to meet you, Mr Kessler.

I want you to meet somebody

Школьник представляет матери свою одноклассницу

«American Beauty» (1999) Sam Mendes

– Mom.

– Yes?

– I want you to meet somebody. This is Jane.

– Hi.

– Oh, my320. I apologize for the way things look around here.

It’s very very lovely to meet you

Знакомство мужчины с двумя девушками на вечеринке

При этом одна из девушек представляет другую, а мужчина просит произнести имя своей новой знакомой по буквам.

«Eyes Wide Shut» (1999) Stanley Kubrick

GAYLE: Do you know Nuala Windsor?

BILL (smiles): Nuala… I certainly321 feel like I do. How do you spell322, Nuala?

NUALA: N..u..a..l..a.

BILL: Is that a Hawaiian name?

NUALA: No, it’s an agency name. They all laugh.

GAYLE: You were very kind to her once.

BILL: Only once? That sounds like an oversight323.

NUALA: I was on a shoot, modelling at Rockefeller Center, on a very windy day. You happened to be passing by.

BILL (remembering): And you got something in your eye?

NUALA: Just about half of 5th Avenue. You were such a gentleman.

BILL: That can happen when you’re in a hurry.

NUALA: You actually had a handkerchief324 – which was also clean!

BILL: That’s the kind of hero I can be sometimes!

May I introduce my father?

Представление отца однокурснику

Отец подъехал на машине ко входу в университет, и сын знакомит его с однокурсником. (Эпизод относится также к разделу «Как обращаются». )

«Spider-Man» (2002) Sam Raimi

– Um, Peter, may I introduce my father, Norman325 Osborn.

– I’ve heard so much about you.

– It’s a great honour326 to meet you, sir.

– Harry327 tells me you’re quite the science whiz328.

«Человека, занимающего в обществе менее видное положение, представляют человеку более известному и влиятельному… Ваших родственников, даже если они старше по возрасту и занимают более видное положение в обществе, представляйте всем остальным это знак уважения».329

Oh, honored to meet you, sir

Представление солдатам отца сослуживца

Действие происходит в казарме американской армии (United States Army). (Эпизод относится также к разделу «Как обращаются». )

«In the Valley of Elah» (2007) Paul Haggis

– He hasn’t called or anything?

– Does that surprise you?

– You know better than me, but I recall Mike330 showing up for roll call with acollarbone sticking through his skin331.

– Long, Ortiez. This is Doc’s dad.

– Oh, honored to meet you, sir.

– Good to meet you.

– Doc?

– A nickname we gave him. Made no sense332.

So… this is the Hobbit

Представление хоббиту главного гнома

«The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey» (2012) Peter Jackson

– Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce the leader of our company: Thorin Oakenshield.

– So… this is the Hobbit333.

– Tell me, Mr. Baggins, have you done much fighting?

The famous Bruce Wayne

Представление своих новых партнёров

«The Dark Knight» (2008) Christopher Nolan

– Rachel. Fancy that334.

– Yeah, Bruce335. Fancy that.

– Rachel, Natascha. Natascha, Rachel.

– Natascha. Are you the prima…?

– Prima ballerina336 for the Moscow Ballet337.

– Wow. Harvey’s338 taking me next week.

– Really? So you’re into ballet?

– Bruce. This is Harvey Dent339.

– The famous Bruce Wayne. Rachel’s told me everything about you.

– I certainly340 hope not. Let’s put a couple341 tables together.

– I’m not sure that they’ll let us.

– Oh, they should342. I own343 the place344.

This is Bella, my wife

Представление жены друзьям

Мужчина пригласил свою жену, чтобы познакомить её со своим ставшим знаменитым другом.

«Notting Hill» (1999) Roger Michell

TESSA (V. O.): Everything’s got the word «Kensington345» in it – Kensington Park Road, Kensington Gardens, Kensington bloody346 Park Gardens…

MAX: Tessa347 – this is Bella348, my wife.

TESSA: Oh hello, you’re in a wheelchair.

BELLA: That’s right.

MAX: And this is William349.

TESSA: Hello William. Max350 has told me everything about you.

WILLIAM: (frightened351) Has he?

MAX: Wine352?

TESSA: Oh yes please. Come on, Willie, let’s get sloshed353.

This is my granddaughter

Представление внучки

Бабушка представляет свою внучку своему знакомому, но его фамилию позабыла.

«The Curious Case of Benjamin Button» (2008) David Fincher

– Now, this is my granddaughter, Daisy354.

– This is Mr…

– I’m afraid355, Benjamin356, I don’t rightly know your last name357.

– Benjamin’s fine358.

This is a friend of my family’s

Представление друга семье

Давний знакомый приходит в дом к женщине, которая уже имеет свою семью и которая представляет её гостю. (Эпизод относится также к разделу «Как обращаются». )

«The Curious Case of Benjamin Button» (2008) David Fincher

– Are you here to pick somebody up359?

– Why did you come back360?

– Mom?

– Mom?

– You ready yet?

– Mom, what’s wrong?

– I was just hearing a very sad361 story about a mutual362 friend who I hadn’t seen for a very long time.

– Caroline, this is Benjamin.

– You knew him when you were just a baby.

– Hi.

– Hi.

– Hey.

– Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you were done.

– Oh, this is a friend of my family’s.

– Benjamin Button, this is my husband, Robert.

– How do you do?

– A pleasure.

– Well, it was very nice to meet you.

– We’ll be in the car, darling363.

– All right364.

– Bye.

– I’m just locking up365.

This, madame, is Versailles

Представление королеве Франции двора

«Marie Antoinette» (2006) Sofia Coppola

– Madame, at the morning dressing ceremony rights of entry366 are given to members of the high court367.

– Major rights to princesses of the blood and mistresses368 of the householdwhile369 minor rights to the valets370 and charges.

– Anyone with rights of entry may enter at any time. So you must pay371 attention to acknowledging372 properly373 each arrival.

– And you must not reach for anything for the handing of an item to the dauphine374 is a guarded privilege375.

– Must go to the highest rank376 in the room.

– For example, the Princess377 de Lamballe is a princess of the blood by marriage.

– Madame378.

– Thank you.

– It’s cold.

– Yes.

– Good morning.

– So now the position must go to the Duchess379 of Char because she is also a princess of the blood.

– Hello.

– So now, as a member of the royal family, your sister-in-law380, the Comtesse381 de Provence382, must have the honor.

– This is ridiculous383.

– This, madame, is Versailles384.

Как представляют себя

Everyone says a little bit about themselves

Студенты первого курса представляют себя

Куратор-старшекурсник вновь образованной студенческой группы первокурсников предлагает им поочерёдно представиться и рассказать немного о себе.

«Legally Blonde» (2001) Robert Luketic

– Okay. Welcome to law school. This is the part where we go around in a circle and everyone says a little bit about themselves. Let’s start with you.

DORKY DAVID: I have a Masters in Russian Literature, a Ph. D in Biochemistry385, and for the last eighteen months, I’ve been deworming orphans386 in Somalia387.

– Awesome. How about you, Enid388?

ENID: Ph. D from Berkeley in Women’s Studies389 – emphasis in the History of Combat390. And last year, I led the march391 for Lesbians392 Against Drunk Driving.

– Killer393.

INTENSE IVAN: I’ve got an MBA394 from Wharton, worked on Wall Street for four years, mushed in three ididarods and I’ve figured out how to crash the stock market in Sri Lanka395 if any of you want to get together later.

– Sweet. What about you?

ELLE: I’m a Gemini396. I have a Bachelors397 degree from USC, where I was Sigma Chi Sweetheart and president of Delta Gamma398, and last year – I was Homecoming399 Queen.

ELLE (CONT’D400) (continuing) Oh! (dramatically401) Two weeks ago, I saw Cameron Diaz at Fred Segal – and talked her out of buying a truly heinous402 angora403 sweater! Whoever404 said that orange is the new pink is seriously disturbed405.

I’m Detective Curran, this is Detective Moran

Полицейский из Сан-Франциско представляет себя и своего напарника

Двое полицейских пришли в дом подозреваемой, дверь им открыла служанка. (Эпизод относится также к разделу «На пороге дома». )

«Basic Instinct» (1979) Paul Verhoeven

– I’m Detective Curran, this is Detective Moran.

– We’re with the San Francisco406 Police Department407.

– We’d like to speak to Ms. Catherine408 Tramell.

– Just moment. Come in.

– Sit, please. Just moment.

My name is Edward Bloom, and I wanna talk to you!

Представление себя при попытке поговорить с хозяином дома

Действие происходит у входа в пещеру, где живёт великан. (Эпизод относится также к разделу «На пороге дома». )

«Big Fish» (2003) Tim Burton

– Hello?

– My name is Edward409 Bloom, and I wanna410 talk to you!

– Go away!

– Now, I’m not going anywhere until you show yourself!

– I said, go away411!

My name is…

Репетиция представления себя

Мужчина пробует представляться под разными именами, пытаясь таким образом вспомнить своё имя.

«Dark City» (1998) Alex Proyas

– Good evening, Mr. Murdoch. It is Mr. Murdoch, isn’t it?

– Mr. «J» something Murdoch?

– J. Murdoch. What’s your name? Justin412? Jerry413?

– My name’s Jason414 Murdoch. John Murdoch.

– Jake415 Murdoch. How’s it going? Hi. Jack Murdoch.