Безуглова К. Д.
Научный руководитель: ассистент Грачева Д. О.
Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет, г. Ставрополь
This theme is relevant, because today the main driving forces of globalization are the Multinational Corporations. The development of Multinational business has a big effect on the economies of different countries.
Currently, Multinational Corporations has control more than 50 % of the international industrial manufacturing, 60 % of the international trades, 80 % of the patents and license for new technics, nearly 90 % direct of the international investments.
Using their financial position in the world, the major corporations replace national investors of the most attractive sectors of the economy, creating a strong pressure on the domestic manufacturers, often using by unfair competition. TNC expanding their influence, setting the standard in the area of the management, affect the social sphere the other side. Sphere of activity Multinational Corporations has huge scales.
The market capitalization of some Multinational Corporations is nearly 300–500 billion dollars and annual sales range 150–200 billion dollars. Also the almost of all raw materials trading on the world markets are controlled by TNC, including 90 % of world trade in wheat, coffee, corn, wood, tobacco, iron ore; 85 % of copper, bauxite; 80 % – tin, tea; 75 % – natural rubber, crude oil.
Currently the main role in the global processes play the Multinational Corporations of USA, on the nature and extent of trade and investment USA outrun performance of the companies in other countries. But the gap is gradually reduced by strengthening positions Multinational Corporations States of Western Europe and Japan, and with the emergence of transnational corporations in developing countries.
Table 1. Positive and negative consequences of influence of TNCs on the economy of countries with different models
Based on the fact that TNC makes a great contribution into the global economy, it should be noted both positive and negative impact on the economies of the countries in which they operate. In the table 1 analyzes the impact of TNCs on the world economy, depending on the level of economic development of the country.
Thus, transnational corporations today are the dominant factor in the development of world economy and international economic relations. The value of TNCs in international trade, production, finance and other areas is steadily increasing.
The core of the global economic system is about 100 TNCs, are holding in their hands almost unlimited economic power, which is about one third of all foreign investments. TNCs play a leading role in the internationalization of production, becoming more common in the process of expanding and deepening industrial ties between companies of different countries. The development of a modern system of economic relations is held under the impact of accelerating globalization. TNC underwent a certain evolution, which resulted in today their functioning and impact on the economic, political and social spheres of society life. This influence has both positive and negative aspects.