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Ослиный мост (сборник). Письмо И. Ф. Арманд ранее 23 июня (6 июля) 1914 г. (В. И. Ленин (Ульянов), 1890-1922)

Письмо И. Ф. Арманд ранее 23 июня (6 июля) 1914 г.

Dear friend!

I have yesterday made a walk in the mountains (the weather is good after weeks of rains) & therefore could not answer yesterday your letter. I’m extremely glad that you all are well, no illness, & that you are busy.

For the congress I’d like to beg you to prepare the most important citations (quotations) & documents against liquidateurs. Paris & I would help you. протоколы, – цит о подполье (№ 3 «Нашей зари» и др.), – ЦО наш и важнейшие статьи против ликв. It is possible that you will be obliged to be member of the «conference» (of all «fractions») & to act publicly as accusator of liquidators, & as a partisan (more than this: as a representative) of the ЦК.

About «thrashing» of Alex, I’ve written not a word to Parisians & will not write. But… have you seen the cutting. I’ve sent You? Ник Васильевич was wrong: he has helped Axky, who will now play a role of a «victim». It is clear. Boycott & common resolution. That is good. Thrashing is bad: now all сторонние will be against Ник Васильевич and the «mocurs» in the emigration would get quite hooligan, if thrashing would get common… Resolutions, boycott – that is the single convenient measures.

Never, never have I written that I esteem only three women. Never!! I’ve written that fullest friendship, absolute esteem and confance of mine are confned to only 2–3 women. That is quite another, quite, quite another thing. I hope we will see each other here after the congress and speak about it. Please bring when You will come (т. е. привези с собой) all our letters (посылать их заказным here is not convenient: the registered packet can very easily be opened by friends). And so on… Please, bring all letters Yourself and we shall speak about it.

Nothing new here. Guests not yet arrived. The wife of Gregory still is in hospital.

Yours truly, truly W. I.

Wishing you all good & best…