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Инновационные методы создания и модернизации экопромышленных систем с позиций Общей теории критериальной оценки и Закон устойчивого развития. Introduction (Р. И. Булатов)


General editing: Bulatov Ramil Ismagilovich

Russian Ecology Centre, Member to Expert board of the research journal «Industrial and ecological safety, guard of the labour», expert Ministry economy RT

Book illuminates the development of modern leading ideas in the field of scientific studies, – theoretical and practical, – in the most difficult for classical researchers area to high nervious activity of the person, on butting classical scientific as follows and scientifically-educational subject: ecologies, economy, sociologies, culture, politician and others. On page of the monographs are considered begin General theory of the criteria evaluation (GTCE), Law of sustainable development, practice of the using the principle Edgeworth-Pareto, element to theories to relative importance of the criterion, methods of the analysis hierarchy, which provide the most further use a result in the target programming on their base at development and introduction in practical person integral, aggregated index, recommended to introduction and use international organization, UNO, total document scientific forum for choice optimum and rational management decisions in eco-industrial and eco-social systems such as eco-social-economic systems, their present and future in system of production power society, economy, civil society and state organization, concerning with said problem. The Collection will render the assistance in cognition many aspect above shown sides of the new directions in science and innovation and can be an useful broad auditorium from scientist, scientific workman and teachers before student and people, striving to expansion of its outlook.

The Author expresses deep thanks a group to editings of the research journal «Industrial and ecological safety, guard of the labour», «Publishing house Evro18» and the authors from the portal ru.wikipedia.ru for creative participation and help in issue of the book in light.